Sunday, July 5, 2009

Time For a Giveaway!!!

Win this! The headband pattern, not the girl. Sicko. :-P

One of the strange things about blogging is that you really can't tell who's subscribed to your RSS feed. So, although there are various ways of telling who comes and visits your site, anyone who reads your blog via your feed is essentially invisible to you. This makes it sort of hard to gauge how many regular readers you have. Some services like Google Reader make it possible to see who's following you through that particular service, but I know I usually just subscribe directly to the feed, and I think most people like to do that too.

So here's my idea: If you are subscribed to my blog (or if you're just now subscribing) in any way, through any service, comment to this post and let me know! Everyone who comments will be entered into a drawing for a free copy of Bluebonnets, which is, you know...not usually free. And, just because I think it's fun to actually see my "followers," anyone who follows my blog via Google Reader will be entered twice!

A winner will be chosen on Saturday, July 11 via random number generator, so subscribe and submit your comments or subscribe through Google before then (see the "subscribe" and "follow" links to the left). I'll post the name of the winner that day, then it will be up to that person to email me and let me know at what email address they'd like to receive the PDF pattern.


  1. I'm one of the Google Reader people. I think I found your blog by clicking something on Ravelry.

  2. I am also a google reader stalker :p I come via the pagan group on ravelry, Lammas thread.

  3. I found you on ravelry!!!! (AngelInAGlass on Ravelry) and I'm here following you now!!! I love making new knitting/crocheting internet friends!!! :)

  4. I've seen all your patterns on Ravelry! They are all great!! I will start following your blog to see what other great patterns you come up with.

  5. Ooh, pick me! Found you through an untraceable Rav path; you know when you find a group, then a person, then they are in another group, then you click on a profile......and here I am! Will go and check out your other patterns now!

  6. I am a Google reader; love your patterns!

  7. Found this site through Knitting Pattern Central. I love to knit & am anxious to try your knitted hot water bottle cozy. Looking forward to your new patterns.


  8. I am a follower.
    litefoot873 (@)

  9. I am a google reader.
    litefoot873 (@)

  10. love to subscribe

  11. Brat58 on Ravelry, I will certainly be following! Thank you so much
