Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good to be home.

I have had such a stressful whirlwind few days.  On Sunday, I flew to DC for the Foreign Service Oral Assessment - a grueling day-long series of exercises and interviews that is the final step in the selection process for Foreign Service Officers (ok...not counting security clearances and all that).  I won.  So in a few months, barring some unforeseen catastrophe, I will begin training to be a US diplomat.  But oh my dear sweet lord, was it ever a long, rough few days surrounding that.

So I've spent the past couple of days at home recuperating.  I've been taking it nice and slow, spending time knitting and baking.  Bread and granola and (not pictured) onion soup and asian-style coleslaw.  Maybe crackers and granola bars today.  And there's a ridiculous bete noire in the fridge, compliments of my husband, who shall remain nameless.

I'm home with my kitties and my person and my kitchen and my yarn, and I'm going to be a diplomat.  Everything is good today.  :-)


  1. Congrats on passing the OA. Good luck with making it to the register and getting "the call" (really it is an email).

  2. Congratulations! I've enjoyed reading "back issues" of your blog and am so glad to see you are posting again.
